Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bartending school Miami | Near Florida

Get Professional Bartending School at Florida

How Much Does bartending School Cost

The Best National Bartending schools near you

Looking for the best National bartending scools near you. You will find hundred or more best bartending schools around your place, I provide some of the best national bartending scools for you for your consideration :

Bartending School Cost | Best prices

Bartending schools cost, Many people looking for information how much does it cost to be bartender, Is all about your knowledge, best cost is $ 300 but you must know, why do I recommend you to get the bartender cost, first you need a licence to become a bartender, I know some place will hire you just by experience, but is nothing wrong and will more good is you have bartender licence.

When  I start long time a go I spent money to get the course just $ 150 for three months, now they have so many different prices to get this licence, but what is the best price , well you need to see and understand what they offer you from the price.

Here for some example :

Some case Of schools may charge you more expensive but they offering you a job after you finish schools that kind of schools I really recommend you, so when you finish schools you can get the first job, but for you just want to get the licence bartender you may take a small school just to get the certificate.

Remember education is expensive but that like invest if you invest your bartender schools for $ 300 and after you done the schools you get the job and you can make money more then $ 2000 a month I guess That is very small invest.

Note: Don't lets your desire stop because one of thing block you. Get your dream even has to spend some money.

The Best Bartending Schools at Miami

  • Ft. Lauderdale Bar School 

    Rated Best Bartending School by
    CityLink. Try a Trial Class today.

  • Florida Virtual School FT 

    Full-Time, Accredited, Grades K-12.
    100% Tuition-Free, Enroll Now!

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  • Elite Bartending School 

    State Licensed Bartending School.
    Job Placement/Mixology/Flair/POS.

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  • learning Six

    Hi you almost done! learning bartender on lessons Six, On this lessons I  like to tell you how to get the job become a bartender and improve your tips jar more money.In fact everyone want to work and make money, so the last point on job is money so how we Improve our tips jar to make overload.

    How to get job as bartender :

    Job as a bartender many people want it.On this case Thousands and million people graduate from bartender schools and be ready become bartender,so you will have many competition,The hard think is competition, here some tips to be easy for you.

    First if you have skill as a bartender and have many competition on your area, do private party by doing private party you can be bartender by your self.

    Second to be bartender with many competition you must more smarter, many people want to be bartender right way in one company by apply just a bartender this will make your chance will more less, here the tips first in is important to become bartender one day, at list you have job first and be part of the team, one you have in on one company then you start to show your skill that you know about bartender wit5h this strategy you will more easy to kick your competition, many company will take people who was employee to get promotion on the company to become a bartender on this case, so if your company need bartender and they know you have experience as a bartender 99% you have chance to get that job. Any way more easy they give you promotion then have to hiring new people on the company. this strategy is very simple and work very well.

    Learning Five

    Bartending learning five. How to improve your drink knowledge.Drink taste, best drink recipes.
    Many of us knows, bartender is bar tend for mixing drink in charge behind the bar to mixing any drink order. drink recipes never stop and many different cocktail come up on the market regarding time and condition, Drink always upgrade every single time. Million of people create drink recipes so mean never strop to learn about drink recipes.

    When you start to become bartender from 0 knowledge you may don't know much about drink recipes, yes by the time you will learn. But how to learn more faster. here the solution.

    Buy bartender book here you can see popular bartender books. by have book you can take look many different cocktail you don't even hear the name before,one you have book and read and learning also do practice it, you knowledge will be more improve.

    Second way is by checking and search on Internet many drink recipes for free available. From A to Z drink recipes.You don't have to know all of them the same time. First thing is try to remember drink on your place to work, by keeping drink list on your bar. then you improve from other direction a different cocktail recipes on the word. remember sometime you have very picky customer and will ask you different kind of cocktail available and just testing your knowledge, so is good to prepare more alcohol drink recipes so just in case your customer ask you to make it and you can make them happy by make what they want.

    third thing to improve your cocktail recipes is by doing ask your customer what drink do you like it. or what popular drink in them place if they from other state will have popular drink.

    Here the popular drink for standard international.

    Learning Four

    Bartending learning four is all about personality. This the biggest factor for bartender,On this post we will talk about bartender personality.Keep reading this bartending personality need it.

    How to get best impression from the customer.
    First impression is the most important thing for anything, You know that. here the tips

    Look good you will feel good, Make your self look good (grooming ) when you look good people will get best personality level one.

    Keep Smile and be polite all the time.

    Well come guess, and treat them like a king or quine.

    Look one of thing that customer wearing and said good and you like it about it, make them feel you pay attention.

    Make your customer like to stay and spend more money.More money they spend more tips you will get.
    Pay attention to customer about the drink you make it , and over them best drink and explain how people like it that drink. up sale skill.

    Make some conversation but not over do it.give also your customer some time to be alone or with his or her partner. you know when you need to be close and give more attention.

    Don't not fall in love to customer, or give sign if you like it endless she like you ahem.. That is OK. but don't forget your job.

    Write your customer name if you not good to remember, more you pay attention by the name more friendly they feel.

    Give any information that may make your customer coming back, like any happy hours or ladies night free drink or something special you offer them in searching day.

    Pay attention always to your customer when they leaving, say bye.. and offer them welcome back any time.

    Smile,smile and smile.

    Learning Three

    Here You can learning for free, Bartending learning number three,about alcohol and other item for bartender
    All bar must have this alcohol, to be standard service international cocktail.

    Here what you will learn about alcohol :

    Triple sec.
    Dry vermouth .
    Sweet vermouth.
    Lime juice.

    See the picture of this alcohol here...

    Here more large brand name different alcohol may you see:

    Note. House alcohol depending your company use it most of them cheap price !

    Vodka : House vodka,Absolut,Grey goose,Stolichnaya,Belveder,Three Olive Ext.

    Rum    : House rum,Ron Carlos,Bacardi,Appleton,rum 151, Myer,Groshling Etc.

    Gin      : House gin,Beefeater,Bombay shapire,Tanggery Etc.

    Tequila : House tequila,Hose cuervo gold and white,Patron,Hera dura Etc.

    Bourbon : House bourbon, jeam beam,jack Daniel,gentlemen jack Etc.

    Whisky : House whisky,white label (Dewar's),Black label,Blue label,Red label also Canadian whisky such as Vo,Seagram 7,Canadian club Etc.

    Dry vermouth : Martini Ross, Cinzano, Noilly prat Etc.

    Sweet Vermouth : Martini Ross, Cinzano, Noilly part Etc.

    Lime juice : Lime rose' can be any brands name.

    Grenadine  : Grenadine can be any brands name.

    See also the picture of this alcohol.

    OK. Now you getting better and deep for bartender learning. keep reading and become bartender fast.

    Learning Two

    This bartending learning no two. Bar Preparation is very very important, one you miss your set up you will hard time for the rest of your action, many bartender they don't care about this preparation that is absolutely wrong. Of course you can not make perfect preparation but at list basic preparation must be done.

    Why you need to do this preparation :

    When you do good preparation you safe allot of time and make it easy the rest of your job.

    Here basic preparation for the bar :

    1.First thing check ice , how much do you need
    feel it up all ice you need it.

    2.Prepare your Juices : Orange juice, pineapple juice,cranberry juice, grape fruit juice, sweet and sour juice also simple syrup. But this time some bar have already all juices on soda gun some of them not, if your bar has that then more easy job to prepare for you.also check your gun mix if you need to replace it or prepare some back up.

    Check all garnishes you need it such as : Lime, lemon, Cherry, olive, lemon feel, other things may your bar need mint leave, onion, pineapple, mango and other fruits depending what drink you will make it on your bar.

    4.Check All Alcohol
    Check all alcohol what I mean here is you must check your speed rack, what alcohol is available and if you need to replace and do replace it, this is the tips if you see the alcohol half them finish get one back up and put in one place to back up. also check your wine and other alcohol. alcohol that you need back up normally the alcohol fast moving including wine.

    5.Beer this is important, to make your beer best nice temperature you need time to do that at list one hour. so make it sure you have enough cold beer.

    6.Napkin, straw and other equipment you may need.

    That all you need to do in general,and you ready to action and get the order from any direction. and make money,you will be fine.

    here You will see behind the bar a lot Look Bartender Equepment

    Bartending Learning One

    OK. You must Interest To learn to become Bartender, Here The First learning Bartending for you. Most of you for sure know what is bar.learning bartending for free ? yes is free so start now and become bartender in your area.

    My suggestion is come by to local bar near to your place, and stay for a while there, look around what bartender did, so you have an idea how bartender work, look to all the display of the bar, watch the alcohol bottle available and get one not book and write down as much as you see, you can make more easy by taking some pictures. By doing this you will more easy to learning fast. after enough time, you come back to my blog and read what you need to learn.

    For example :

    Note. You can escape one of this step if you really think you already know.

    You are beginner for this skill, after come back from the bar, back to my blog and learn the equipment of bar that you can more deeper learning from my blog. learn here bartender bar tools.

    But before you jumping to the next level, I like to recommend you to learn about Bar preparation so you know how to prepare your bar and ready to action. This is important thing you need to know and you need to do before operational your bar. read here How to prepare your bar.

    Learn basic of alcohol first, after you know basic of alcohol the rest will follow more easy and you ready to action. learn here about Basic alcohol

    On the same time you stay in the bar. You will see bartender mixing some drink may you have no idea what the bartender make it. is OK, You can learn how to make drink on this blog. Learn here mixed recipes drinks.

    When you follow this 4 steps and understand it the you ready to stay behind the bar and do action. for the rest of bartender personality you can learn on my post Tips for bartender

    Friday, August 5, 2011

    Learning Basic Of Bartender

    This is free Lesson for Bartender  introduction :

    Before you become a bartender may you need to know what will happen when you behind the bar and contact with costumer, there is good thing and bad thing will happen , most of the bartender will have this experience :

    The good thing is :

    1. You get more exiting to learn more about drink and sometime you like to create new drink and make people happy with drink you make it, is always new drink come up every single time, different place different name and referent ingredient but still made from most of the basic alcohol.
    2. As bartender you get more respect from your customer, they come and to you to get drink and respect you very much with your skill.
    3. You can improve and more knowledge about everything being bartender, most of the people want talk to bartender and share many thing, Business, problem and so on.
    4. Customer more love bartender behind the bar , remember the song "I love my bartender" Ehm... many girls and guys.
    5. Still many thing that make you fun Tobe bartender ( you get more pay as bartender and make more money )

    The bad thing is :

    1. You need to be ready make a deal with drunk people and some time say bad word ( alcohol talking you need to be Passion ) keep in mind people drunk make many think that why bartender need to know your customer before they get drunk must cut them to not drink again, by ignore it them order make little long time to make it the order. so you have time to control them.( this you need to do when they look like getting drunk on nice way )
    2. "Complaint " of course any complain is not good but bartender normally has less complaint, and as soon as you more experience you can easily handle the complain.
    3. For health most of bartender get back problem because standing to long and when we move sometime we not have control specially we busy.
    4. Hand get cut by wine opener, but this will not happen so many time.
    5. Not much bad thing being bartender, is more fun then bad thing.

    Just to lets you know before you decide to be bartender, at list you know what you will deal with. but all of that will easy to handle it. I will give you all the tips. in another post Tips for bartender.
    This free for bartender beginner to learn some lesson without you need to spend money.