
This is free bartending lessons for you guys, Who want become bartender... Many people want become bar tend but always have problem with some situation,They have no money to start the lesson of school regarding school bartending is expensive, From this blog you can learn for free how to become a bar tend.

Make money behind the bar is more easy but to make money as this is depending your skill and  your personality. I am here give you some free lessons to help you become your dream, as much as I can. with My experience more then 15 years, with different company, from big company to small company, this bar lesson for beginner and if you follow all of my step! you will become a bartender quick.

About my story :

I was working as behind the bar on of the biggest cruise line company in USA. This is my long story make it short , I was working for 9 years at the company, the name of the company I work with is Norwegian Cruise line, Is allot of fun being bar tending.

Hi... guys behind the bar is much fun,always around by girls,also for women always around by guys,Party is our  life style,night life also a part of our life. Not everyone can be bar tend in fact many people fail stand behind the bar, OK back to my story I work on cruise line, when I start I was from beginner also, starting from below position.

When you start at one company sometime you can not become bartender right way, even  you have experience, this is the tips to get behind the bar, and get the job from the company you want to work to, First thing - First In to the door become part of the employee no matter what position, it is hard to get job right way to your skill this time,but you must be move smarter. How to get job easy and faster you can read on my other post  " How to get job easily "

Any way I work as glass man ( Bar back ) by washing glasses and help bartender to prepare what they need, little by little I learn how the bar tend work on that company ( I have been done bar tending school at that time ) but I have no change yet, Is OK for me just start so  I take it easy.

Then short story my time coming true and my dream come true,because we get busy they need one more people behind the bar.Because I have good connection . I do work hard and keep the respect to other so I get recommendation from them, then I become a bartender.

That was my short story and now I like to share all my knowledge to you for free, and give you free lesson, how to learn fast. Keep reading and I am sure you will become bartender with me you learn for free

Keep reading my blog guys and don't forget leave a comment.