Bartender Basic

This bartender knowledge is the most important to you to understand. Bartender and knowledge must be good. Simple step to learn ! It is very simple if you follow all my step, I am not going to teach you like in the school but I will teach you on reality become a bartend, so you have basic of bartender and ready to go.

Here basic- basic bartender you need to know first : ( international standard )

1. You need to know the glasses and the name of the glass also what drink will feet on it.
2. You need to know bar tools and know how to use it.
3. You need to know basic of alcohol .
4. You need to learn and write every single cocktail that may be you need to make it ( as much as you can ).
5. You need to have good personality to be a friendly service and humor this is very important.

Many glass can be use in the bar depending how big your bar and what kind of drink special that you have, but as normal bar set up they have a few bar glass you mush have in the bar. learn about the drink glass. Bar and glasses picture.

Here why I want you to learn about the glass, just for example your customer order martini up then your serve with wine glass that will look so bad as bartender. that why you need to learn about the glass.

Bar tool . Many bar tool out there very much different and the same function ,but at list you need to know bar tool as: wine opener,Bottle opener,Shaker,Jigger,Steiner,Bar spoon,wine cooler, Bar scoop,Bar container etc.

See here Bar tool and function. Here Bartender Tools...

Alcohol on speed rack normally they must have this alcohol like : Vodka,Rum,Gin,Tequila,Triple sec,Whisky,Bourbon,Sweet vermouth,Dry vermouth,Lime rose,Grenadine.
Look first in the bar if you have all of this you already ready to go to make many cocktails. Also don't forget learn about the juices suck as : Orange Juice,Pineapple,Cranberry,Sweet and sour,grape fruit juice. maybe they prepare more is depending what drink we want to make it And don't forget the soda.

For you beginner bar tend  don't be overload to learn cocktail you will forget the next day, believe me you want to learn fast but you will go no where.The tips is  Write every single day 5 different cocktails.and keep that small book in your pocket just in case you forget you can take look back your cocktail diary.and every new cocktail that you make it or hear write down on your diary.

This is what you need at last Make money right?. To make good money as behind the bar,you need to have good knowledge for the bar include alcohol or some short story of the cocktail if available, GOOD Personality important to  increase your tip,Humor make your customer happy that will make you are more easy feeling closed to your customer. Is not many people can do that.The last you will never forget SMILE ):

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