Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bartending Learning One

OK. You must Interest To learn to become Bartender, Here The First learning Bartending for you. Most of you for sure know what is bar.learning bartending for free ? yes is free so start now and become bartender in your area.

My suggestion is come by to local bar near to your place, and stay for a while there, look around what bartender did, so you have an idea how bartender work, look to all the display of the bar, watch the alcohol bottle available and get one not book and write down as much as you see, you can make more easy by taking some pictures. By doing this you will more easy to learning fast. after enough time, you come back to my blog and read what you need to learn.

For example :

Note. You can escape one of this step if you really think you already know.

You are beginner for this skill, after come back from the bar, back to my blog and learn the equipment of bar that you can more deeper learning from my blog. learn here bartender bar tools.

But before you jumping to the next level, I like to recommend you to learn about Bar preparation so you know how to prepare your bar and ready to action. This is important thing you need to know and you need to do before operational your bar. read here How to prepare your bar.

Learn basic of alcohol first, after you know basic of alcohol the rest will follow more easy and you ready to action. learn here about Basic alcohol

On the same time you stay in the bar. You will see bartender mixing some drink may you have no idea what the bartender make it. is OK, You can learn how to make drink on this blog. Learn here mixed recipes drinks.

When you follow this 4 steps and understand it the you ready to stay behind the bar and do action. for the rest of bartender personality you can learn on my post Tips for bartender


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